eating before a urine drug test

Can I Eat Before a Urine Drug Test?

When faced with a urine drug test, many people wonder if eating beforehand could affect their results. This article aims to clarify whether you can eat before a urine drug test, what foods might affect your test, and how to prepare for accurate results. By addressing common concerns and myths, we hope to provide you with clear and practical advice.

Can I Eat Before a Urine Drug Test?

In most cases, you can eat before a urine drug test. However, there are certain foods and substances that might cause a false positive result. It’s important to be aware of these and avoid them before your test.


Types of Urine Drug Tests

There are different types of urine drug tests, and dietary restrictions might vary depending on the test. Generally, the most common tests include:

  1. Standard Urine Drug Test: Typically used for employment or random screenings. No special dietary restrictions are usually required.
  2. Specific Substance Tests: Tests for particular substances (e.g., metanephrine, vanillylmandelic acid, hydroxyindoleacetic acid, catecholamines) might require dietary adjustments.

Foods That May Affect a Urine Drug Test

Certain foods contain substances that can mimic drugs in your system, leading to false positives. Here are some foods to be cautious about before your test:

1. Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds can cause false positives for opiates. Even a small amount, like those found on a bagel, can be enough to trigger a positive result. This is because poppy seeds come from the opium poppy plant, which contains morphine and codeine. It’s best to avoid poppy seeds for a few days before your test to ensure accurate results.

How Does Urine Drug Screening Work?

2. Pizza

Pizza, particularly the dough, contains yeast which ferments sugar into alcohol. This can sometimes lead to a false positive for alcohol or even THC. The fermentation process produces small amounts of alcohol, which might be detected in your urine. To be safe, skip the pizza a day or two before your test.

3. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds and products containing them (e.g., granola bars) can cause false positives for THC. Though the THC content in hemp seeds is low, it can still be detected in drug tests. The presence of THC, even in small amounts, can result in a positive test. Avoid hemp seeds and hemp-containing products before your test.

4. Coca Tea

Coca tea, made from coca leaves, contains cocaine alkaloids. Drinking coca tea can result in a positive test for cocaine. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant, and its metabolites can be detected in urine for up to 36 hours after consumption. It’s best to avoid this tea for at least 36 hours before your test to avoid false positives.

Do Urine Drug Screens Test for Alcohol?

5. Tonic Water

Tonic water contains quinine, which can sometimes cause a false positive for drugs like opiates. Quinine is used to treat malaria and is also found in tonic water as a flavouring agent. Even small amounts of quinine can trigger a positive result in a drug test. Avoid drinking tonic water before your test to ensure accuracy.

6. Durian

Durian, a tropical fruit, can cause ‘mouth alcohol’ which might affect your test. Its strong smell and lingering residue can be mistaken for alcohol. Durian is known for its potent aroma and unique taste, but it can also interfere with breath alcohol tests. Avoid eating durian a few days before your test to prevent any issues.

Medications to Avoid

Certain medications can also interfere with urine drug tests. Always consult your doctor before stopping any medication. Here are some common medications that might affect your test:

1. Phenothiazines: Used for mental and emotional disorders.

2. Tricyclic Antidepressants: Such as imipramine.

3. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs): Used for depression.

4. Antihistamines: For allergies.

5. Aspirin: Common pain reliever.

Why Would a Doctor Order a Urine Drug Screen?

Preparing for Your Urine Drug Test

To ensure accurate results, follow these simple steps:

1. Follow Medical Advice

Always follow your doctor’s specific instructions regarding dietary restrictions and medications. Do not stop taking prescribed medications without consulting your doctor.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water before your test. This helps flush out your system and can dilute substances that might cause false positives. Staying hydrated also ensures you can provide an adequate urine sample for testing.

3. Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Strenuous exercise can sometimes cause substances to appear in your urine that might lead to false positives. Exercise can increase the levels of certain chemicals in your body, which might be detected in a drug test. Avoid intense physical activity for at least 24 hours before your test.

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4. Check Labels

Before consuming any food or drink, check the labels for ingredients that might affect your test. Avoid any product containing poppy seeds, hemp seeds, or tonic water. Being cautious about what you consume can help prevent false positives.

5. Plan Your Meals

Plan your meals around your test. Stick to simple, bland foods that are less likely to contain substances that could interfere with your test results. Avoiding exotic or unfamiliar foods can also reduce the risk of false positives.

6. Inform the Testing Centre

If you believe you have consumed something that might affect your test, inform the testing centre beforehand. They might be able to take this into consideration when analysing your results.

What to Do If You Get a False Positive

If you believe you’ve received a false positive result, inform the testing centre immediately. You may request a secondary test, such as a blood test, to confirm the results. Keep a record of everything you’ve eaten and any medications you’ve taken in the days leading up to the test. This information can help the testing centre identify any potential causes of a false positive.


In most cases, you can eat before a urine drug test, but it’s wise to avoid certain foods and substances that might cause false positives. By following the advice in this article and consulting with your doctor, you can help ensure accurate test results. Always stay informed and prepared to avoid any potential issues with your urine drug test.

Contact us today!

Prepare for Your Test with Deptford Medical Center

At Deptford Medical Center, we understand the importance of accurate drug testing. If you have any questions or concerns about preparing for your urine drug test, our knowledgeable staff is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your test and receive expert guidance on how to prepare effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which foods should I avoid before a drug test?

Avoid poppy seeds, hemp seeds, coca tea, tonic water, and foods high in certain chemicals that mimic drugs.

How long before a drug test should I avoid these foods?

It’s advisable to avoid problematic foods for at least 24-48 hours before your urine drug test.

Can medications affect drug test results?

Yes, medications like phenothiazines, antidepressants, and antihistamines can interfere with test accuracy.

Should I inform the testing centre about what I’ve eaten?

Yes, it’s important to inform them if you’ve consumed any foods or medications that might affect your test.

What should I drink before a urine drug test?

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which can help flush out substances and ensure a good sample.

Can exercise affect drug test results?

Yes, strenuous exercise before a test can sometimes lead to false positives by increasing certain chemical levels.

What should I do if I get a false positive result?

Contact the testing centre immediately. You may request a secondary test, such as a blood test, to confirm the result.

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